እንኳን ወደ እሳት እና አደጋ ስጋት ስራ አመራር ኮሚሽን በደህና መጡ
Responsibility and Duties of the commission
1. By establishing an information and technology center, it will provide a centralized information exchange system before, during and after an accident, and serve as an information center for disaster risk management at the city level;
2. Collects information on the cause and level of vulnerability and analysis of natural and man-made disasters; Takes necessary early warning measures by conducting early risk indicator studies. He causes it to be taken. Follows up.
3. Works to prevent and reduce the damage caused by man-made or natural disasters; It makes other institutions work as well.
4. Makes institutions in the city include disaster risk reduction plans in their development plans; Monitors their implementation.
5. Organizes a training center where experts of the institution, various institutions and the public can receive training on disaster management.
6. Conducts sampling exercises on a regular or planned basis; It also facilitates the conditions for it to take place. Takes corrective action on the disaster response plan.